~* Perantau Akhirah, Musafir Perjuangan *~: December 2005

~* Perantau Akhirah, Musafir Perjuangan *~

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim, alhamdulillah, syukur ana rafa'kan ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana dengan izin-Nya, maka ana telah dapat membangunkan sebuah laman sebagai pengantar wadah bicara antara seorang Muslim dengan Muslim yang lain. Semoga usaha ana ini akan diberkati dan dirahmati Allah SWT. Amiin. Salam Ukhwah wa Mahabbah Islamiah daripada ana 'the daughter of Haji Yusof' buat antum sekalian. Yarhamkumullah! ISLAM NO.1 kini dan selama-lamanya, insyaALLAH. ALLAHUAKBAR 3X! Wassalam wbt.

Saturday, December 31, 2005



2005 kini mula meniti hari-hari terakhirnya
bersama kenangan suka-dukanya yang tersendiri.

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Manusia yang tidak mempunyai hala tuju hidup
tidak pernah mengambil berat tentang berlalunya masa.

Sedangkan manusia yang begitu jelas misi dan visinya
sentiasa cemas dengan perjalanan masa di mana setiap
saat yang berlalu dan akan datang mempunyai nilai yang
begitu berharga.

Masa yang berlalu walau pun tidak dapat dikembalikan
namun kegagalan, kehancuran, kejayaan, kegemilangan
yang pernah berlaku dapat berulang semula
umat manusia memenuhi syarat-syaratnya.

Masa lalu dapat dijadikan ukuran dan tauladan
ke arah meneruskan agenda untuk masa yang baru datang.

Masa tidak akan berundur ke belakang sebaliknya
manusia boleh menjadi umat yang pemikiran dan
tindakannya berpusing ke belakang apabila mereka
memilih jalan yang rosak dan sesat.

Tepuklah dada tanyalah dari mana kita datang,
untuk apa kita dihidupkan di dunia fana ini
dan ke manakah kita bakal dikembalikan.

Hanya umat yang kenal asal usulnya dan tahu
kewajipan yang mesti dilaksanakan
serta bersiap
dengan bekalan yang sebaiknya untuk kembali menemui
sahaja yang bakal berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.

Wassalammm... Darul Ulum

Akhukum Fillah.. AlAsyqar@hotmail.com

Developed by DarulUlum Information Technology
Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved

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Bint Haji Yusof:

BismilLahi walhamduliLah wassolatu wassalamu
‘ala RasulilLahi s.a.w.
, saudara saudari seaqeedah,
tetamu ziarah yang ana hormati dan hargai filLah
dengan penuh keringanan di sanubari dan kesediaan diri
untuk berkongsi sebaran 'ilmiah yang bermanfa’at
bersama antum, ya ikhwah wa akhowatil mukhtar,
binniyatul ikhlas lilLahi Ta’ala, ana menjemput antum
untuk menghayati dan merenungi
PERUTUSAN KALAM’ selengkapnya-oleh saudara seaqeedah kita tersebut
– yang bersepuh penuh hikmah dan punya siratan
makna yang amat khair untuk dimanfa’ati bersama

di ruangan/ link “Bint Haji Yusof Webjournal”.

Tafadholl masykuroh, benar ada khairnya, insyaALLAH.
WalLahu musta'an. Wassalam wbt.

Al mukhlisah,
Bint Haji Yusof,
29 Dhul Qadah 1426H
Auckland, New Zealand.

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p/s:"... Pejuang Islam sentiasa diingatkan bahawa
tugas yang perlu dilaksanakan melebihi waktu yang
. Mesti serius dan bersungguh dalam melaksanakan
tugas tanpa mengenal erti membuang masa, menangguh kerja,
bergurau-senda dan perkara yang tidak berguna.

Oleh itu koreksilah diri kita dimanakah tahap
kedudukan kita berkenaan dengan penjagaan dan
penghargaan terhadap masa..." :-)

*~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~

Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Majority is not a Proof that something is Correct

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AUTHOR: Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan
SOURCE: Sharh Masaa'il-ul-Jaahiliyyah
(pg. 60-62)


Imaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab ( rahimahullaah) said:

From the greatest of their principles was that they would
be deluded by the majority, using that to determine the
correctness of a matter. They would also determine the falsehood
of something if it was strange and that its adherents were few.
So Allaah brought them the opposite of that, clarifying this
in many places of the Qur'aan.

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- the explanation-

From the characteristics of the people of the Days of Ignorance
is that they would view the majority as proof that something was
true and the minority as proof hat something was false

So according to them, whatever the majority of the people was upon,
that was the truth. And whatever the minority was upon,
that was not the truth. In their eyes, this was the balance
used to determine truth from falsehood.

However, this is wrong, for Allah says:

And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead
you far away from Allaah’s path. They follow nothing but
conjecture, and they do nothing but lie

[Surah Al-An’aam: 116]

And He says:

But most of mankind know not.”

[Surah Al-A’raaf: 187]

And He says:

And most of them We found to be not true to their covenant,
but most of them We found indeed to be evil sinners

[Surah Al-A’raaf: 102]

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So the balance is not the majority and the minority.
Rather, the balance is the truth.
So whoever is upon the truth,
even if he is by himself, he is the one who is correct and deserves
to be emulated. And if the majority of the people are upon falsehood,
then it is obligatory to reject them and not be deceived by them.
So consideration is given to the truth. This is why the scholars say:

Truth is not known by way of men, but rather men are
known by way of the truth
.” So whoever is upon
the truth, then he is the one we must follow and emulate.

In Allah’s stories about the prior nations,
He informs us that it is always the minority that is upon the truth,
as Allah says:

And no one believed with him except for a few.”

[Surah Hood: 40]

And in a hadeeth in which the nations were presented
to the Prophet, he (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
said that he saw a prophet that had a small group of
followers with him, and a prophet that had a man or
two men following him, and another prophet that had
no one with him

So consideration is not given to which opinion or view has the most
followers. Rather, consideration is given to its being either true
or false. So whatever is true, even though a minority of the people
or no one is upon it – so long as it is the truth – it must be adhered to,
for indeed it is salvation. Falsehood is not aided by the fact that
it has a majority of people following it, ever. This is a determining
measure that the Muslim must always abide by.

The Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

Islaam began strange and it will return back to being
strange as it began

This will occur at the time when evil, calamities and
misguidance increase. So no one will remain upon the
truth except for the strange ones amongst the people and
those who extract themselves from their tribes (for the sake
of their religion).
They will become strangers in their society.

The Messenger (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was sent while the whole world was submersed in disbelief and misguidance. And when he
called the people, only one or two answered his call. It was only until
later on that they grew to be many. The tribe of Quraish, not to mention
the whole of the Arabian Peninsula and the whole world, was upon misguidance. And the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was the only one calling the people. So those that followed him were few with respect to the entire world.

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So consideration is not given to the majority.
Consideration is only given to what is correct and
to achieving the

Yes, if the majority of the people are upon correctness,
then that is good. However, the way of Allah is
that the majority of the people is always upon falsehood.

And most of mankind will not believe even if you desire it eagerly.”

[Surah Yoosuf: 103]

And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you
far away from Allaah’s path. They follow nothing but
conjecture, and they do nothing but lie

[Surah Al-An’aam: 116]


Published: April 23, 2005 | Modified: April 23, 2005

Copyright © 2003 Al-Ibaanah.com. All Rights Reserved. For more information, contact info@al-ibaanah.com.


*Bint Haji Yusof:

The Prophet (sallalLaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said,

"One who helps a fellow Muslim in removing his (or her)
difficulty in this world, Allah will remove the former's
distress on the Day of Judgement. He who helps to remove
the hardship of another, will have his difficulties removed by
Allah in this world and in the Hereafter.

One who covers the shortcomings of another Muslim,
will have his faults covered up in this world and the next by Allah.
Allah continues to help a servant so long as he goes on
helping his own brother(or sister)


Asifi 'ala kulli hal, inni al faaqiir ila ROBBIhi

Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
27 Dhul-Qadah 1426H (Thu)

p/s: an article on " The Ways to Achieve Unity"
by Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan at link al faqiir ila
Do feel free to read it, you are mostly welcome filLah.
InsyaALLAH, barakalLahulakum!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Surat Al-Hasan Al-Basri kpd Umar bin Abdul Aziz

Oleh : Ibnu Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah

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Ibnu abid Dunya
menyebutkan bahwa al-Hasan al-basri pernah menulis surat kepada Umar bin Abdul Aziz

"Amma ba'du,
Sesungguhnya dunia adalah tempat keberangkatan, bukan tempat tinggal. Adam 'alayhissalam di turunkan ke dunia tidak lain sebagai hukuman, karena itulah berhati-hatilah terhadapnya (dunia) wahai Amirul Mukminin!

Sesungguhnya berbekal dari dunia adalah dengan meninggalkannya dan kekayaan di dalamnya adalah kefakirannya. Setiap saat ia bisa membunuh, menghinakan siapa yang memuliakannya, dan memelaratkan siapa yang menumpukannya.

Ia ibarat racun yang dimakan oleh orang yang tidak tahu, padahal ia akan membunuhnya. Di dunia , jadilah Anda seperti orang yang mengubati luka-luka pada dirinya. Ia sedikit berpantangkarena khuatir akan membencinya selamanya serta bersabar terhadap sakitnya ubat karena takut penyakitnya berkepanjangan.

Maka, hati-hatilah di negeri yang menipu , memperdaya dan memberikan banyak khayalan ini, yang berhias dengan segala tipu dayanya. Menyesatkan dengan bujuk rayunya, menipu dengan harapan-harapannya, dan berdandan untuk para peminangnya.

Ia ibarat pengantin wanita dengan wajah terbuka. Semua mata memandangnya, hati terpikat olehnya ,dan jiwa tergila-gila kepadanya, padahal ia pembunuh bagi suaminya.

Sebagian orang yang tergila-gila kepadanya berhasil meraih keinginannya lalu berbanggga, bertindak melampaui batas, dan lupa kepada akhirat. Hatinya sibuk memikirkannya sehingga kakinya tergelincir dan ia banyak menyesali. Sakaratul maut, pelbagai penderitaan pada saat kematian, dan penyesalan karena perpisahan menyelimuti dirinya.

Ada pula orang yang tergila-gila kepadanya tetapi tIdAk berhasil memperoleh keinginannya, ia hidup dgn kepahitan dan pergi dengan kesedihan. Ia tidak pernah menemukan apa yang di carinya sedangkan jiwa tidak pernah istirahat dari kepayahan. Ia meninggalkan dunia tanpa bekal apa-apa dan datang ke akhirat tanpa membawa apa apa.

Jadikan puncak kebahagian Anda di dalamnya adalah puncak kehati-hatian Anda terhadapnya!

Sesungguhnya, orang yang merasa puas dengan kesenangan di dunia, maka dunia akan membawanya kepada keburukan. Kebahagian dunia itu dikata dengan penderitaan, menetap di dalamnya akan berakhir dengan kafanaan, dan keceriaannya bercampur dengan kesedihan. Angan-angannya bohong, harapan-harapannya kosong, kejernihannya keruh, dan kehidupannya pedih.

Seandainya ALLAH belum memberi tahu dan belum membuat permisalan mengenainya, niscaya ia sendiri mampu membangunkan orang yang tidur dan menyadarkan orang yang lalai.

Apalagi, bukankah ALLAH telah mengutus penasihat dan memberi peringatan di dalamnya! Di sisi ALLAH dunia tidak mempunyai nilaI sama sekali. ALLAH tidak melihatnya semenjak menciptakannya .

Nabi kita shallallahu 'alayhiwassalam telah ditawari kunci-kunci dan perbendaharaanya, sesayap nyamuk pun tidak dikurangi di sisi ALLAH, tetapi beliau menolak, karena baginda s.a.w. tidak suka mencintai apa yang dibenci oleh KHALIQ-nya atau meninggikan apa yang di rendahkan oleh MALIK-nya.

ALLAH menyempitkan bagi orang-orang shaleh sebagai pilihan dan melapangkan bagi musuh-musuh-NYA sebagai tipu daya, sehingga orang orang yang tertipu dan berhasil memperolehnya menyangka bahwa dirinya dimuliakan dengan dunia. Ia lupa terhadap apa yang telah dilakukan ALLAH terhadap rasul-NYA ketika mengikatkan batu di perutnya (dan pelbagai bentuk UJIAN -> IMAN).

* Lihat Fathul Bari, Syarh Shahihul Bukhary X1/283-293 di ambil dari Kitab Ighatsatul Lahfan min Mashayidisy Syaithan..hal.78-79

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* Bint Haji Yusof -> artikel tersebut dinukilkan daripada Markaz Kitabah @ assunah.mine.nu. Kehadrat saudara saudari seaqeedah yang ana hormati dan hargai filLah, ismahli 'ala kulli hal buat/pada kadaran masa ini ana belum bersedia mereleasekan sebarang penulisan milik peribadi dan ana bekukan ia buat sementara waktu. WalLahu 'Aalimin. Walaubagaimanapun sebagai galang gantinya ana sedaya mungkin akan menampilkan nukilan-nukilan (koleksi-koleksi dalam simpanan) ISLAMIAH wa ILMIAH yang sesuai juga bermanfa'at buat antum, tamu ziarah gerbang eletronik "PERANTAU AKHIRAH, MUSAFIR PERJUANGAN". Moga ada khairnya! Seterusnya, insyaALLAH suatu kolum baru akan diwujudkan dalam ruangan 'Forum Bint Haji Yusof' iaitu 'INFO SIHAT' - berkait hal ehwal, nasihat, tips-tips dsb bersangkut paut ke-SEJAHTERA-an wa ke-SIHAT-an lahiriah dan batiniah. BarakalLahu lakum! Wassalam wbt.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2005 M * الاربعاء 20 ذو القعدة 1426 هـ *

Monday, December 12, 2005

Poem by the Daughter of Guantanamo Detainee, Shaker Aamer

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A poem full of my feelings to someone who can do something about my father whom we have not seen for four years:

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Tony Blair

It’s not fair

My Dad is there..... Where he cannot dare
To have a fresh air..... Of the world out there
You don’t see his tears..... You don’t really care
My eyes just stare..... To the freedom that we share
In a cage that is bare..... There is nothing to spare
My eyes cannot bear..... To see what they wear
He deserves to be here..... With me in my prayer
I want him with me near..... So I can take care
Of a father that is rare..... To be found anywhere

I love you Abi
Daughter of Shaker Aamer
8 Years Old


Copyright © 2005 Cageprisoners.com


"Freeing the prisoners is one of the greatest compulsory deeds and spending ransom money, and other means towards that, is one of the greatest ways to come close to Allah."

Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Al-Fatawa 28/635

* Bint Haji Yusof:
Today, Monday, December 12, 2005 is equal to 1431 days
of illegal imprisonment

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Cageprisoners Report into the Systematic and Institutionalised US Desecration of the Qur`an


Report into the Systematic and Institutionalised US Desecration of the Qur`an and other Islamic Rituals

Testimonies from Former Guantánamo Bay Detainees



London, 16th May 2005

Cageprisoners is today publishing a compendium of statements from former detainees of Guantanamo Bay regarding the United States Government's systematic, institutionalised and intentful desecration of the Qur'an and other religious abuses and manipulations to degrade and humiliate the detainees.

The report, which is a damningly detailed cross-corroborated litany of abuses of the Qur'an by US forces, demolishes the farcical denial by the United States that the desecration of the Qur'an by the US military and their associated agencies was neither an intentful nor systematic method devised by the US command chain to purposefully torment the detainees.

Included is exclusive new material from former UK based detainees Moazzam Begg, Feroz Abbassi and Jamal al-Harith on the abuses they witnessed first hand and those reported to them second hand.

This is Feroz's first public statement on the abuses he suffered and witnessed under his detention and refers exclusively to the religious abuses meted out by the US authorities

The reports details how the US forces systematically in numerous different incidents, throughout the entire lengths of their detention up till their release, variously:

. stamped on the Qur'an,
. placed the Qur'an in buckets and faeces and urine,
. sat on the Qur'an,
. shredded the Qur'an in interrogations,
. dropped and threw it on the floor,
. belittled the Qur'an calling it a guide on 'how to kill Americans'and
. mistranslated the copies they gave to Prisoners

all in their bid to break the will of the detainees used it as a means tomaliciously abuse and mentally damage the prisoners.

Also reported is

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. Proselytisation attempts to Christianity by the US Military forces including distribution of Bibles.

. Systematic and endemic derision and abuse of Islamic religious rituals and supplications such as

o Mocking and deriding the Adhaan (the call to Prayer),
o Forced shaving of the beard (which many Muslim's hold as obligatory),
o Withholding food during Ramadhan (the month of Fasting from Dawn to Dusk)
o Prohibition of Qur'ranic recitation
o Prohibition of congregational prayer.

Feroz states that a US interpreter of Lebanese Maronite origin repeatedly slapped and physically degraded the Qur'an whilst calling it 'Shit', how copies of the Qur'an were placed in 'Shit' buckets by US forces and details how the interrogators used the Qur'an as a tool to humiliate and abuse the detainees.

Moazzam Begg corroborates Feroz's account and exposes the duplicity of the US Spokesman Richard Boucher's statement that the detainees were given the Qur'an and the opportunity to worship. Detailing a raft of examples of religious abuses by US military personnel.

Jamal Al Harith confirms that:

' the US has desecrated the Quran on a number of occasions.' Detailing 'the reason for the first hunger strike in Camp X-ray, which involved about 75% of the detainees was over a guard who kicked the Quran onto the floor from its perch hanging on the side of the cage. Numerous hunger strikes in Camp Delta were over another guard who threw it into the toilet. When searching our cages the guards would sometimes throw the Quran onto the floor. During interrogation, an interrogator jumped up and down on the Quran and taunted a prisoner. In Afghanistan, in the American concentration camps, a Quran was thrown in a waste bucket by a guard.... '

Tarek Dergoul:

Describes the modus operandi of the interrogators which consisted of 'swearing at Allah, swearing at the Prophet and the Qur'an .and mocking [it]' and how Military Police wrote obscentities in copies of the Qur'an scrawling 'F*** off, F*** you' in them.

Mohammes Mazouz states:

'The Americans went [through procedures] to humiliate us and flout our most elementary principles. It concerns the treatment inflicted to the Quran. Anything that could reduce it to nothing was used. They urinated over it, they ripped it; they cut it with scissors in front of us. They defecated on it and painted our faces with it. Yes, all this should be said so that the Muslim world understands which degree of hate this sacred Book inspires in them.'

Cageprisoner's spokesman Dr Adnan Siddiqui states:

'It should be clear to any thinking person that all these detainees could not have colluded, especially since some were in solitary confinement for their duration in Guantanamo Bay; and the US is guilty of a systematic and horrific assault on Islam and the religious beliefs and practices of a fifth of Humanity in their so-called 'war on terror. The prolonged period of the abuse from the beginning to the end of their detention clearly shows that it is institutionalised and authorised by the chain of command headed by Donald Rumsfeld and George W.Bush.'

Copyright © 2005 Cageprisoners.com


*Bint Haji Yusof:
The report can be downloaded from: http://www.cageprisoners.com/downloads/USQuranDesecration.pdf

An Open Letter to Barbara Bush

Cindy Sheehan | November 25 2005

Dear Barbara,
On April 4, 2004, your oldest child killed my oldest child,
Casey Austin Sheehan.

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Unlike your oldest child, my son was a marvelous person who joined the military to serve his country and to try and make the world a better place. Casey didn't want to go to Iraq, but he knew his duty. Your son went AWOL from a glamour unit. George couldn't even handle the Alabama Air National Guard.

Casey joined the Army before your son became commander in chief. We all know that your son was thinking of invading Iraq as early as 1999. Casey was a dead man before George even became president, and before he joined the Army in May 2000.

I raised Casey and my other children to use their words to solve problems and conflicts. I told my four children from the time that they were small that it is always wrong to kick, bite, hit, scratch, pull hair, etc. If the smaller children couldn't find the words to solve their conflicts without violence, I always encouraged them to find a mediator like a parent, older sibling, or teacher to help them find the words.

Did you teach George to use his words and not violence to solve his problems? It doesn't appear so.

Did you teach him that killing other people for power and oil is always wrong?

Obviously you did not. I also used to wash my children's mouth out with soap on the rare occasion that they lied... did you do that to George?

Can you do it now? He has lied and he is still lying. Saddam did not have WMDs or ties with al-Qaeda and the Downing Street Memoranda prove that your son knew this before he invaded Iraq.

On August 3rd, 2005, your son said that he killed my son and other brave and honorable Americans for a "noble cause."

Well, Barbara, mother to mother, that angered me. I don't consider invading and occupying another country that was a proven non-threat to the USA is a noble cause. I don't think invading a country, killing its innocent citizens, and ruining the infrastructure to make your family and other merchants of death even richer is a noble cause.

So I went down to Crawford in August to ask your son what noble cause he killed my son for. He wouldn't speak with me. I think that showed bad manners.

Do you think a president, even if it is your son, should be so inaccessible to his employers? Especially one of his bosses whose life George has devastated?

I have been to the White House several times since August to try and meet with George and I am going back to Crawford this week.

Do you think you could call him and ask him to do the right thing and bring the troops home from this illegal and immoral war that he so carelessly started?

I hear you are one of the few people he still talks to. He won't speak to his father, who knew the difficulties and impossibilities of going into Iraq, and so didn't go there in your family’s first Gulf War. If you won't tell him to bring the troops home, would you at least urge him to meet with me?

You said this in 2003, a little more than a year before my dear, sweet Casey was killed by your son's actions:

"Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?" (Good Morning America, March 18, 2003)

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Now I have something to tell you, Barbara. I didn't want to hear about deaths or body bags either.

On April 04, 2004, three Army officers came to my house to tell me that Casey had been killed in Iraq. I fell on the floor screaming, begging the cruel Angel of Death to take me too. But the Angel of Death that took my son is your son.

Casey came home in a flag-draped coffin on April 10th.

I used to have a beautiful mind too. Now my mind is filled with images of his beautiful body in his casket and memories of burying my brave and honest boy before his life really began. Casey's beautiful mind was ended by an insurgent's bullet to his brain, but your son might as well have pulled the trigger.

Besides encouraging your son to have some honesty and courage and to finally do the right thing, don't you think you owe me and every other Gold Star parent an apology for the cruel and careless remark you made?

Can you make him stop? Do it before more mothers' lives are needlessly and cruelly ruined. There have been too many, American and Iraqi, worldwide already.

Cindy Sheehan [send her mail] is the mother of Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan, KIA 04/04/04 She is co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace. She is the author of Not One More Mother's Child and Dear President Bush.

Copyright © 2005 LewRockwell.com

*Bint Haji Yusof: adapted from -> http://www.lewrockwell.com/sheehan/sheehan23.html

Friday, December 09, 2005


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hakikinya suatu PERJUANGAN itu TIDAK MUDAH,
waima bagi RASULULLAH S.A.W. sendiri.

Menegakkan yang HAK hanya dapat dicapai
dengan penuh ke
IMANan dan keKUATan.

SABAR dalam menghadapi setiap malapetaka yang menimpa,
berSYUKUR yang dilakukan dengan HATI BERSIH.

Dalam keadaan bagaimanapun,
baik dalam duka maHupun suka,
berSYUKUR dan keIMANan harus selalu menyertai.

Itulah pokok risalah yang dibawa RASULULLAH S.A.W.

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Bint Haji Yusof:

I only share with you what I know…..
They could be right and could be wrong…
if I make mistake insyaALLAH brothers and sisters here
will correct me…

All the truth must be from ALLAH….
And I ask the forgiveness from ALLAH subhana wata'ala
for all the mistakes…

WalLahu alam bishshowab….

7 Dzul Qaedah 1426H - Friday
Downtown, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.

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